After the visit to Badilisha Eco Village we talked about how nice it would be with a banana circle at the school. A banana circle is created by digging a big hole, about 50 cm deep. The soil is piled up around the hole, in a circle. Banana plants are placed there, along the circle. The soil and the hole is covered with mulch to keep the moisture from evaporating. Waste water from dishing and cooking and all sorts of organic waste can then be disposed in the hole. The water and nutrients will infilitrate into the soil and nuture the plants.When we suggested this for the school principal, it turned out that the school had discussed the same idea. We arranged for a day when we could create the banana circle at the school, together with teachers and students. We also invited a permaculture instructor, Elin Lindhagen, that offered to guide us in the work.
At the agreed day, when we arrived at the school with the plants, the students had already dug a hole at the ideal place, right next to the school's water tap. Amazed by the shown enthusiasm, we planted the plants and finished the banana circle together with the students. Elin led the work and explained each step that we did. We are very grateful that she could assist us, and we thank the students and teachers at St. Joseph's Secondary School for the positive spirit and their enthusiasm!
We gather mulch together with the students [All photos: Sofia Wendel]
Elin explains how to plant the lemon grass
The students continue with planting of the sweet potatoes
The soil and the hole is covered with mulch
The waste water from cooking can now be used to nurture the banana circle
The finished banana circle
Elin discussed farming with the teachers and students